Sunday, 23 March 2014

SmartTable Cell Format

A Free Document Productivity Tool for Word

This tool formats a table cell by adding punctuation and removing empty paragraphs at the end of the cell.  It operates on selected cells or the current cell if no range is selected.

It adds a "." character to paragraphs that do not already end in a punctuation mark. 

It does not add the "." character in the following situations:

Friday, 7 March 2014

SmartTable Insert

A Free Document Productivity Tool for Word

This tool is one of a set that provides advanced features for adding, deleting and moving rows in Word tables. When used with SmartTable Number, they allow rapid entry of information into a table without the distraction of inefficient standard editing functions.

A full list of all the SmartTable tools can be found here.   See also SmartTable Delete

SmartTable Insert

SmartTable Insert places five empty rows below the current and positions the cursor in the first of the new rows ready for data entry.  

It handles special insert situations when inserting rows below the header and section headers, and ensures that the formats in these special rows are not copied down.

SmartTable Insert makes quick entry of content into tables a breeze.  Adding five lines at a time means that you can enter a good deal of information without having to concern yourself with  creating more space.

SmartTable Number simply removes any unused lines with a single shortcut key.

SmartTable Delete

A Free Document Productivity Tool for Word

This tool is one of a set that provides advanced features for adding, deleting and moving rows in Word tables. It is a companion tool to SmartTable Insert described in the previous post.

A full list of all the SmartTable tools can be found here.

SmartTable Delete

SmartTable Delete uses the current context to decide what to delete.  It sounds like there are lots of rules but in reality its intuitive based on where the cursor is and what is selected.

Rules Applicable When In a Table

If you are in an table and you hit the shortcut key:
  • When an entire row is selected, the row is deleted. You can select multiple rows and delete them together.
  • When the cursor is in an empty cell, the row is deleted.
  • When a range of cells are selected, the contents are deleted.

Rules Applicable Anytime (In a Table or Not)

If you hit the shortcut key:
  • When some text is selected, the text is deleted.
  • When the cursor is sitting in some text, the text to the end of the sentence or paragraph is deleted.
The last rule is interesting - and yes... I agree I need to get out more.

Often I want to delete the remainder of the text in a bullet point. If I use the normal Word

Moving Table Rows Tip

A Free Document Productivity Tip for Word

How to move rows up or down in a table.

Moving rows up or down in a table is a breeze if you use the standard Word shortcut key.  The function is OutlineMoveUp/Down, and the description does not make it clear what happens when you use it within a table.

If you place the cursor in a cell and then use Alt+Shift+Down, the row will move down one row at a time. Similarly, Alt+Shift+Up moves the row up.  If you select a group of rows, the shortcut key moves them all.

Outside a table, the shortcut key works with paragraphs, and will move a paragraph up and down in the document. 

I use it most in bulleted lists to change the order of the entries. All you need to do is place the cursor in an entry in the list and then use the shortcut key to move the entry up or down the list.